Hello and Welcome, my name is Moose and this is my small byte
of Cyberspace. This website is dedicated to the purpose of introducing myself and establishing a presence on the World Wide
Web. Since you’re here now why not grab yourself something to drink, make yourself comfortable and get to know a little
about me.
On this site you’ll find pages that will help you along
the way. There’s one that details who I am, where I’m from, my beliefs, interests and more. I have photo albums
on this site of myself,, family, pets and, other things that I play around with. There’s a page that I’ve dedicated
to sharing with you the places on the Internet that I frequent that you might find interesting, or at the very least will
tell you a bit more about the things that interest me. I’ve even got a page where you can go and kill some time mindlessly
playing some old time arcade games like Pac Man and Space Invaders, games that I myself like to play. Also please feel free
to meet some of my family and friends by browsing through my Guestbook and, feel free to leave a comment there if you so desire.
Navigating my website is a snap, just click on the various pages listed on
the left hand side of your screen